Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This is a piece that I had in a group show at the Sande Webster Gallery this past April. I created it with a specific message in mind. I wonder if that message resonates? What does this piece say to you?


Adobe Illustrator has a tool that allows you to create seamless patterns. For this pattern, I drew several different types of clocks, inked the lines and scanned them into Illustrator. Once the pattern was established, I went about the process of digitally coloring it. Patterns are tons of fun. There is so much you can do with them.

Dog Walker

This is a quick illustration a did for a dog-walking business.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Camels Can't Dance

This is an Aesop Fable that I illustrated and layed out as a double-page spread. I love this piece. Click on the image to get a closer look.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Children's Book Illustration class assignment: choose a nursery rhyme, illustrate it and lay out the type.

10 Cent Joke

My friend Chris loves to tell this joke. He thinks it's hilarious. And well, it kind of is. I tried to bring it to life via a comic strip.  Click on the image to enlarge it.

Sometimes You Have To Laugh So You Don't Cry

Our teacher gave us three short stories to read. After reading them, we were asked to chose one and design a book jacket for that story. I chose "Full House" by David Sedaris which tells the story of a particularly funny and awkward sleepover he attended as a boy. On this night, David learns the importance of discretion, the ridiculousness of pre-pubescent boys, the power of a good poker face, and the healing power of pancakes.

Now's Not A Good Time

This spring, I started working on some design/illustration products for children's rooms. This piece is meant to be hung on a kid's door when they need some time alone. I need to do a more inviting piece for the reverse side.

Natural Redheads

Book jacket design idea for one of my favorite authors. If you have a slightly twisted sense of humor, you will love this book. And if you are a natural redhead, this is your life manual.

I'm On The List

Gig poster assignment and/or a practice in nepotism.

Old Meets New

This past spring, I took a children's book illustration class. For one assignment, we reinvented an existing children's book of our choice. Here is my double-page spread of "Frog and Toad." If you never read the Frog and Toad books, you missed out on something great.

I Believe in Mermaids

A CD cover I created for a class junior year. 

Design 'n' Draw

Junior year, we were given an assignment to find a magazine article and do two things with it:  1) Create a black and white spot illustration, and 2) Try to exactly duplicate the layout and match the font.

While many found this exercise tedious, I actually thought it was fun.

U is for Umbrella

I participated in a collaborative art project for which each artist was assigned a letter of the alphabet. Here is my contribution to the Alphabet Project.

Snail Mail

Sophomore year, we were given an assignment to create a postage stamp. My idea was a series of bird house stamps. This was my first three-dimensional illustration.

Old School

I created this poster for an assignment sophomore year after looking at some old, illustrated Vogue covers. Although I created a poster, and not a Vogue cover, I decided to keep with what seems to be the tradition of the magazine and I allowed the image to slightly obstruct the typography.

Imaginary Friends

Sometimes little kids get made fun of for the way they look. Sometimes it's fun to imagine that you're not the only one;)

Like butta'

This book was one of those projects that I think will take a day or two or hard work but, five days later...still working. It was truly a labor of love, though, and I was thrilled with the results! The cover is made with a very soft piece of scrap leather I found on Fabric Row, and the image on the cover was freehand stitched with embroidery thread.


A couple of portraits that I have made. 

Louis Armstrong

Keith Haring